'Kingston' Blend Top
The 'Kingston' Blend is composed of fibres of medium to high micron. I would recommended it for jumpers and outerwear when spun wors

Dinkie Dye Gossamer Blend Top
The fine fibres in the Dinky Dye Blend enable you to effortlessly spin a lace weight yarn. The fibres are longer than those of a normal...

'Easy Spin' Cashmere
I spun the EasySpin Cashmere into two types of yarns; worsted and woollen. Cashmere has a natural fuzz- or halo- which is more evident in...

80/20 Fine Merino/Cashmere Blend Top
It can be daunting spinning with ‘cashmere’ as you have the overwhelming feeling you will felt it, this blend spins beautifully; no hints of